Working in a media company for almost 5 years (please don't compute my age bata pa ako)I enjoy the life na nasa likod ng camera to be honest I'm not that looking naman kasi, and I enjoy it kasi I can wear anything I want including my I am Ninoy Shirts and other statement shirts not to mention may PBB, Betty and Fear Factor that my company gave me. The images above was screen grabbed from TV Patrol World with Inah Reformina, Bong Osorio (the one I mention in my blog about the Takipsilim thing) and Nap my co-worker it was taken in Mandarin Hotel in Gateway last February 11. It's about the conference of TNS TVPanel launch dito sa Pilipinas. I personally met Gary de Ocampo and Gabriel Buluran both Pinoys working sa TNS and Philip Jones, Regional Director for TNS South East Asia.
It's not my first to appear on TV with my colleagues at work pero I'm not a fan of it mas enjoy ako working behind the camera and doing more of the dirty works.

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