Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cory Aquino’s First Death Anniversary

August 1, 2010 marks the First Death Anniversary of the late former President Corazon "Cory" Aquino, a democratic icon, mother and advocate. Aquino died last Aug 1, 2009 due to complications because of Colon Cancer that she endured for a year. Filipinos mourned and nations shared with the sympathy to the loss of a woman who brought back democracy in Philippines, her country, our country from the freedom suppressing Martial Law of the late former President Ferdinand Marcos.

Like her husband the late former Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino II, the Filipino people goes out on the street for her funeral procession from La Salle Greenhills to Manila Cathedral and finally to the North Cemetery. Streets are filled with yellow confetti, flower and ribbons showing their support to the mother of democracy as Time Magazine called her the Saint of Democracy.

In her first death anniversary a marker in La Salle Greenhills will be unveiled in her memory in gym where it became the haven of Namfrel Quick Count Board during the election where she won over Marcos. There will be a mass at the gym at 10am with the Aquino family including President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, Cory’s son where the Aquinos will be retracing the footsteps of their mom. A photo mosaic will be presented to the public at the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta where the organizer is planning to include it in the Guinness World Record.

Aside from the events that will happen in all parts of the country, her memory and legacy is very important that the Filipino people will remember, her faith in God and to her country men, her love for democracy and county and the strength she shows. Cory Aquino will never be forgotten and will be forever treasured because of her great courage as a wife, mother and a Filipino citizen.

Aquino was born on January 25, 1933 and became the first popularly and democratically-elected female president and head of state in Asia.

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