The teenage drama film is about a girl named Ronnie played by Miley Cyrus who was reunited with her estranged musician father (Greg Kinnear) who was divorced with Ronnie’s mother a couple of years. Set in a southern beach town, Ronnie tries to create a life of her own away from her father and met Will (Liam Hemsworth) a beach volleyball player who caught the girl’s interest and discovered the soft side of each other. Wanting to reconnect with his daughter, Ronnies dad wanted to patch things together with her but will a second chance an option to Ronnie or will she totally turns her back away from her father. The journey of the prodigal daughter begins making her realize the true meaning of family, relationship and home.
According to Julie Anne Robinson, director of the film, she claims that Miley Cyrus was the first choice of for the role of Ronnie as she possessed the charisma and the natural talent fit for the lead character. “She just glows, and when she walks on the set, everybody knows it. Sometimes I cannot believe she’s 16 years old. She’s got a tremendous range. She has this amazing star quality,” Robinson added.
Cyrus finds easy to do the character of Ronnie where she can relate with her. Cyrus grew in a family where her parents got separated and sometimes she did bad choices but she discovered that happiness can also be found in friends and having faith to herself. And like Ronnie she has talents in music. “Living without music in my life would be like having no air to breathe, and for Ronnie, it’s much the same thing. She gives it up to prove a point to her dad and, really, she’s just cheating herself.” Cyrus added. Cyrus talent with musical instrument expands after learning to play piano, Ronnie’s outlet in life. “Maybe it was easier because I already play guitar,” says Cyrus, who wanted to continue her piano lessons.
The Last Song will be the 6th best-selling novel of Nicholas Sparks adapted for a film where he co-writes with the rest of the writers of the movie. Aside from Kinnear and Hemsworth, Cyrus will be joining Kelly Preston, Bobby Coleman and Nick Lashaway on this film which is scheduled to be screened in all theaters nationwide beginning May 12.
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