Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Can LPGMA Partylist answer oil industry related issues?

Aside from the usual minority and ethnical groups running for the May 10, 2010 election, there are several sectors from different fields of expertise and business is running as partylist representative in the house of congress to represent their advocacies and campaigns in the legislative department of our country. Liquified Petroleum Gas Marketer's Association party list (LPGMA) is one of them a group for entrepreneurs and legal counsels that will air the issues and try to present solutions on the growing issue connecting to energy use especially the oil industry where everyone is affected.

Ever since there is an issue on price hikes on petroleum, gasoline and others where mostly transportation group is one those who encounters this problem and passes it to the commuters. Aside from transportation, food based companies or even at home, we face the price hike on our Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) which LPGMA focused their advocacy. In their platform they tapped three specific areas; consumer interest, strengthening oil deregulation law and environmental protection. The partylist candidate prioritize the rights of the consumers and protecting them from any form of dishonest dealers who produces low standard LPGs that can cause fire and dangerous effect to health of the consumers. The group also advocates for the justified and fair price adjustment and provide alternative products such as low-priced LPGs that can answer the needs of the consumers. And lastly the LPGMA Partylist supports the legislation in researching alternative source of energy and develops sustainability in the environment along the reduction of toxic emission on air.

The LPGMA nominees for representative include Arnel Ty, Atty. Sinforoso Pagunsan, Salvador Escano, Jojo Cruz and Atty. Ramon Torralba. You can follow LPGMA 161 on Twitter or join LPGMA 161 on Facebook for more information about the LPGMA partylist.

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