Sunday, September 12, 2010

Movie Review: George Clooney’s The American

After The Box, Ghost Writer, Crazy Hearts and Everybody’s Fine – all movies I enjoyed watching in in Ayala Mall Cinemas (Greenbelt 3 and Glorietta 4) comes a George Clooney film entitled “The American” and it that will be exclusively shown on the same cinema. The American is directed by Anton Corbin and starring George Clooney, Thekla Reuten, Violante Placido, Johan Leysen, Irina Björklund, and Paolo Bonacelli. The film is based from the 1990 novel of Martin Booth entitled A Very Private Gentlemen.

The movie follows the story of Jack (Clooney) who is an assassin hiding in an isolated town in Italy and hides with the name Edward. He accepts “job” from his associate named Pavel (Leysen) who commanded him to stay Castelvecchio instead Jack decided to stay in the another town where he met Father Benedetto (Bonacelli) the town priest and Clara (Placido) a prostitute. Jack discovers friendship with the priest and love to the prostitute, these things changes his views in life, but will it be a reason to turn his back from his present life and to create a new one?

One of the things I like in the movie is that it gives the viewers the opportunity to think which means it is less spoon feeding in terms of the conversation and story and more on visuals that are usually long shots and silent scenes. As for the film “The American” long shots and on the top view are prominent camera angles in the movie, making the viewers the observing rather than the conversing status in the character of Clooney where it preserves the mystery of his role which he is showing to Father Benedetto and Clara – hiding himself with the identity of Edward who is magazine photographer assigned in their town. Honestly, I enjoyed the movie it gives me the chance to peek in each character and sees the setting on a bigger and wider view rather than close up and restricted.

The American is now showing exclusively in Ayala Mall Cinemas (Greenbelt 3 and Glorietta 4).

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