Opposite on the early installments of the Predator franchise, the 2010 film was set in a planet where the nine mercenaries/criminals and individuals mysteriously transported on an unknown planet. They need to work together in order to survive against the Predators.
The film retains the action and all the graphic and sound elements that the early installment has which contributes much on the storyline but as a content person like me it is to understand the film as a whole. Unlike the early franchise, the film shows how the predator arrives at the amazons, but the 2010 film there was no backgrounder on why those mercenaries and criminals transported on the said planet. Same with the establishment of the characters, for those who are not aware or haven’t read the synopsis and profile of the characters in the net, they will not know the background of the nine strangers transported on the said “planet”, including the transformation that Jones mentioned in the film is not clear, how the evolution happened and why they choose that setting? There are some loopholes in the story in the side of a content person, but it’s a sci-fi horror movie most movie goers watch it because of the visual effects and the action packed scenes. The film is entertaining that’s all I can say in terms of visuals.
Predators is now showing in all cinemas nationwide and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
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