20th Century Fox brings to the big screen a famous action-packed TV series that runs from 1983 to 1987 – The A-Team. The film is directed by directed by Joe Carnahan with stars headed by Liam Neeson (Col. John "Hannibal" Smith), Bradley Cooper (Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck), Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (Sgt. B.A. "Bad Attitude" Baracus) and Sharlto Copley (Capt. H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock) and set to be shown in all theaters nationwide beginning June 11.
The premise of the film is how the “A-Team” was build and work together a group under the U.S. Army Special Forces who became soldiers at first and turned into mercenaries hunting down the enemies of the government.
Honestly I didn’t saw the original series which I cannot compare with the movie, but I like the chemistry of the four characters putting together the guts, the humor and the sarcasm in each one of them. I enjoyed Murdock’s character more than the serious Smith; action movie needs some fun and humor on simple way but with big impact.
The film weighs 50-50, 50 % I like it, 50% bores me, and I was expecting more action scenes rather than talkies which unfortunately there are scenes I rather wanted to watch how it happens without annotations, maybe at first would be okay but not the whole segment of the movie. But still I don’t say that it’s a bad movie, but it depends to those who watch it and how they will take the story but the characters and the adrenaline rush caused by visual effects and some “acrobatic” helicopters it really caught my attention and then again there’s Murdock whom I enjoyed his character much.
The A-Team will be showing in all cinemas nationwide on June 11, and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film also includes stars like Jessica Biel, Patrick Wilson and Brian Bloom.
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