The film is about a 9 year old loner with an active imagination named Max who lacks from attention from his mother and sister. One day when his mom Connie invites his boyfriend Max tries to destruct her mother by throwing tantrums. He wears his wolf costume and bits his mother and runs away from home. At the pond he saw a boat that brought him to an island where he saw Carol throwing a destructive tantrums while Ira and Judith tries to stop him. Thinking that what he is seeing is fun, Max joins Carol in his mayhems, but soon finds himself facing the angry creatures whose home was destroyed by Carol. Max introduces himself as a powerful king with great powers which the wild things easy believe. Max discovers the different sides of the wild things especially Carol but his real identity as an ordinary kid reveals through Alexander. Scarred to be eaten, he wakes up in the middle of the night seeing Carol throwing tantrums again and ripped Douglas’s arm. Max runs in the forest and found KW and hides in her stomach to avoid Carol. He decided to return home and reveals his identity to all.
I grew with this book and seeing it on the movie brings out the Max in me, a child who has a big imagination which every child does on their younger age. Having an imaginary friend and creating a world where we became king or queen is easy for us when we are young. Warner Bros Pictures reminds us how to be young again, not physically but though our hearts and memories. Where The Wild Things is a simple story of child that encounters the wild things and rules them with his playful ideas, it’s not complicated like others but one thing I know with this movie is that it brings out the wild child in each one of us.
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