“It is essential that everyone must be aware of what is happening in the society now that election is near” this is the strong message that Jaime Gatchitorena, chair of Youth Vote Philippines wanted to communicate in their flash mob event at the Trinoma Activity Center last January 22. Themed as Makialam, Maki-alam, the flash mob emphasizes on the importance of reading and the value on why our presidential candidate should prioritize Universal Primary Education in their platform.
With the estimated 60 young public servants who participated in the flash mob, they dance the campaign through the tune of Black Eyed Peas’s I Got the Feeling the how their united aspirations on social awareness and the priority of education in the Philippines. “It is symbolic” as Jaime stated, he is hoping that the flash mob will get the peoples attention and get the message they wanted to commune with the event. Youth Vote Philippines will be doing more activities like this in the future and making the youth participate in all this activities. During the activity participants distributes flyers that contains MDGs and information about poll automation and the importance of voting on the 2010 election.
Right now the literacy rate of the country stands on 93.9 percent but only 70% of those who enrolled grade 1 reaches grade 5. Universal Primary Education may increase 7% with 20 years but on the way to 2015 as projected by world leaders during the development of Millennium Goals it is only half of what should be achieved. We should have stood on the issue of education not only those who sit on the position but it should start with us. And the choice begins on May 10, 2010 we should know who will lead us and help us solve this problem and we should continue our struggle. Join the fight against poverty, illiteracy and diseases, visit www.asiapacific.endpoverty2015.org/imdg.
I am Flow Galindez, blogger and a proud advocate of UN World Food Programme Against Child Hunger and Protection. WFP's Bloggers Against Hunger Philippine Connector and MDG advocate. Also advocates for climate change and HIV/ AIDS awareness, education, child and women's rights. I also blog about entertainment, events, lifestyle, news, tech and gadgets, movies and theaters and foodie stuff--- Opinions expressed here are my own.
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