Friday, November 13, 2009

Kim Atienza and Lola Gets presents the pros and cons of poll automation system

With the use of the automated poll system in the coming 2010 election, will Filipinos finally get the change they’ve been looking for? How will the ballot look like and how will people cast their votes?

ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs tells the people how poll automation system will be implemented in a special presentation “Mano-Mano o Auto. Gets Mo?” anchored by Kim Atienza this Sunday (Nov 15), 10:30 PM.

More than 46 million Filipinos have already registered to vote, according to the Commission on Elections. But it seems like most of them still don’t understand how this modern technology will work towards a safer and faster election.

Kuya Kim then explains how Juan will vote using this new system and will be joined by the famous Lola Getz of “Tayong Dalawa” (portrayed by Gina Pareno) to represent the Filipino masses and ask the questions that may be running on their heads.

The two also looks into the manual election system wherein voter’s uses ballots so that viewers can compare which system is better. Is the poll automation system the solution to the country’s problems? Will this system put an end to the rampant election-related anomalies?

But before Kuya Kim explains the poll automation system on Sunday night, he will help people prepare once more in case of calamities in the special documentary “Delubyo: Producer’s Cut” also this Sunday (Nov 15), 9 AM. Find out what you can and what you should do in life-threatening situations such as floods, typhoons, earthquakes, drought, or even erupting volcanoes.

Don’t miss all these special offerings from ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs this Sunday (Nov 15).
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