Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Battle of Terra discusses social and environmental concerns

Battle of Terra is not your usual alien sci-fi and animation film that you will just watch it and leave the movie house. The 3D animation film tackles issues concerning community relationship, environment, civilization and survival.

Terra (in Latin word means Earth) ay isang planet na inhabited ng mga “Terrians” mga aliens na meron ng tinatawag nilang progressing civilization, both technology and religion of their own. Unfortunately, due to inconsideration of humans who destroyed their planet because of abusing the environment and war, humans who survived is force to seek a new planet in order to populate and create their new community and there they discover Terra. Pero hindi pwedeng tirahan ang Terra because of the absence of oxygen na siyang hinihinga ng tao, and the only way that humans can live in Terra is by releasing oxygen in the planet that is poisonous to Terrians and the conflict begins there one specie must die in order that the other specie will survive, that is the idea of the human explorers who wanted to settle in Terra.

Despite of the conflict of humans and Terrians, friendship flourish between Mala (voiced by Evan Rachel Wood) a rebellious young Terrian and Capt. Jim Stanton (voiced by Luke Wilson) who discovered the civilization of the Terrians and sacrifices his life for his alien friend.

Hindi ka lang mage enjoy sa movie in terms of its 3D animations that wows the audience during it special red carpet screening last October 19, at the SM North EDSA Digital Theater, but it has a message to its viewers. “One of the reasons humans were forced to abandon Earth in the film is that they exhausted their natural resources.” Director Aristomenis Tsirbas explains and shows it when Giddy (voiced by David Cross) , the robot owned by Jim discusses how Earth disintegrates and that is because how human abused the environment and wages war against nations. “It was important to me (Tsirbas) that the idea of conservation be included in the story. We’re leaving the next generation an Earth that most respected scientist agree is going through an increasingly dangerous human-generated environmental change” Tsirbas explains.

Producer Keith Calder agrees with Tsibar he mention that the preservation of our planet is an important topic of discussion for families everywhere, Battle of Terra is without a doubt amazing film with all the visual effects that a family movie needs to get the attentions of the children na kung saan madali para sa parants makapagdiscuss ng mga concerns on environment and other issues using the story of Mala and Jim of Battle of Terra as an example.

The Battle of Terra opens in all SM Cinemas nationwide on October 21.

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